I introduce myself.

As a dentist and specialist in orthodontics, he has extensive professional experience gained from years of practicing in France. This in-depth expertise is the result of passion, commitment and continuous development in his preferred specialty. His work is far more than a profession – it is a life’s work. With heart and expertise, he does everything he can to offer his patients the best possible quality of treatment and ensure they are completely satisfied. The aim of his orthodontic treatments is clear: in addition to improving oral health, he gives his patients a radiant smile that gives them new self-confidence. This guiding principle drives him to achieve excellent results day after day.
My career to date.

Assistant doctor for orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse.
Resident in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University – Victor Barbes in Timisoara.
D.U. in Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University – Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 2014.
Master’s research in Anthropobiology and Population Genetics at the University – Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 2015.
Master in Clinical Anthropology at the Rangueil Faculty of Medicine in 2013.
CES on pathophysiology and diagnosis of craniofacial dysmorphia at the University – Paul Sabatier in Toulouse in 2014.
CES in Anatomy and Physiology at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Paris7 in 2011.